The Iliad Socratic Seminar Entrance Questions

The Iliad Socratic Seminar Entrance Questions

This sheet must be completed FULLY in order to participate in the Socratic Seminar. You will receive participation and culminating points for the seminar, and process points for this sheet. In order to get a B or better on the seminar YOU MUST USE DIRECT QUOTES to support your points.

1. The Iliad focuses on the behavior of warriors in time of crisis and examines what each person owes to him- or herself and to the community. What does each of the following characters owe to himself and to others? a) Agamemnon     b) Achilles     c) Patroclus     d) Hector      e) Paris

2. Achilles is acknowledged to be the greatest Greek warrior. Yet Homer focuses on Achilles quarrel with Agamemnon and its effect upon the Greeks rather than on his heroic exploits. Why?

3. Achilles is the first tragic hero of literature. What does it mean to be a tragic hero? How does the The Iliad develop Achilles into a tragic hero? What is the difference between a tragic hero and a hero?

4. What kind of person is Hector? What tests of character confront him? To what extent does he pass them? What temptations does he resist, and which does he find irresistible? Why? How does his behavior affect his heroic image?

5. How do you react to the fact that Athena tricks Hector into fighting Achilles? How would you have written this part of the myth?

6. Does the personality of any of the major characters change in the course of The Iliad? Explain.

7.Compare/Contrast the following sets of characters.  a) Paris & Hector              b) Achilles & Paris              c)Hector & Achilles           

8. In The Iliad, why is a person’s reputation worth more than wealth and power? Where is this shown in the story? Is this still true today? Explain.

9. Elements of The Iliad are accurate depictions of relationships of Ancient Greek society. Do the relationships resemble modern day relationships?  Why or why not? Use specifics examples.

10. Other discussion questions for your peers????????

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