Artemis Scavenger Hunt


1. What is Artemis's name in Roman mythology?

2. What is Artemis the goddess of?

3. Who are Artemis's parents and where was she born?

4. Why is Artemis a protector of women during childbirth? What myth explains this somewhat? How?

5. Briefly summarize the myth of Niobe.

6. Briefly summarize the myth of Actaeon and Artemis.

7. Briefly explain the myths of Orion and Callisto. How are they similar?

8. Explain the relationship and connection between Artemis, Hecate, and Selene. Explain with detail who each are.

9. With detail, describe the myth of Hippolytus. From this, what insight about the connection or relationship between Aphrodite and Artemis do we learn?