Example 1 Score and Comments

Moderator comments

Criterion A: 5 marks

The research question is clearly stated and appropriate with a clear explanation. The two sources a clearly identified and also are also appropriate and relevant. Source One is a secondary source. The value is related to the origin as well as the content, although the value in relation to its purpose is not entirely well explained. The limitations are related to the content and in a rather weak way to its origin. Source Two is a primary source. The value and imitations are linked to the content and origin. There is a clear explanation of the relevance of the sources to the investigation and an analysis and evaluation.

Criterion B: 13 marks

The investigation addresses two different viewpoints with a good use of statistics to show women’s incorporation into the workforce during the war. It would have been interesting to have more information on the women’s ages, marital status and sector of the economy. There is also a good use of statistics to show the number of women who left the workforce after the end of the war and the number of women workers in the period 1947-50s, showing long term trends. Reference is made to government plans to encourage women workers but this is not developed. The investigation comes to a reasoned conclusion consistent with the evidence and arguments.

Criterion C: 4 marks

This is very much a personal reflection but it does highlight the methods of historians and the challenges and limitations which they face. It is clearly and explicitly linked to the investigation.

Total: 22 marks

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