Annie EC

1. Using specific detail, analyze how Annie fits the definition of escapist entertainment.

2. Using specifics, how would Annie's story be especially comforting to those in the 1930s?

Example 1 Score and Comments

Moderator comments

Criterion A: 5 marks

The research question is clearly stated and appropriate with a clear explanation. The two sources a clearly identified and also are also appropriate and relevant. Source One is a secondary source. The value is related to the origin as well as the content, although the value in relation to its purpose is not entirely well explained. The limitations are related to the content and in a rather weak way to its origin. Source Two is a primary source. The value and imitations are linked to the content and origin. There is a clear explanation of the relevance of the sources to the investigation and an analysis and evaluation.

Criterion B: 13 marks

The investigation addresses two different viewpoints with a good use of statistics to show women’s incorporation into the workforce during the war. It would have been interesting to have more information on the women’s ages, marital status and sector of the economy. There is also a good use of statistics to show the number of women who left the workforce after the end of the war and the number of women workers in the period 1947-50s, showing long term trends. Reference is made to government plans to encourage women workers but this is not developed. The investigation comes to a reasoned conclusion consistent with the evidence and arguments.

Criterion C: 4 marks

This is very much a personal reflection but it does highlight the methods of historians and the challenges and limitations which they face. It is clearly and explicitly linked to the investigation.

Total: 22 marks

Example 2 Score & comments

Moderator comments

Criterion A: 4 marks

The research question is clearly stated. In the discussion of source one the discussion of origin is connected to value and limitations, although the response is unclear and difficult to follow in places. The connections between limitations and origin are weak, and although there is some discussion of value and limitations related to purpose and content these points are not developed.

Criterion B: 7 marks

This part of this IA moves beyond mere description, but the critical analysis lacks development and clarity. The investigation is under the word limit, and this is reflected in the lack of development of the analysis. There is a limited awareness of different perspectives. As this section progresses it appears to become more of a discussion as to whether Botha or deKlerk was more effective rather than keeping the focus on the question.

Please note: This is an example of an IA where the investigation section is broken down into a series of sub-sections. It is perfectly acceptable for candidates to structure their investigation in this way if they wish to do so. It is not required to provide sub-headings but it can be a useful strategy, particularly for students who might otherwise struggle with how to structure this section of the task. It is also a strategy that some teachers may decide to encourage students to use in the planning stages of their investigation to provide additional support and scaffolding of the task, even if sub-headings are not then used in the final presentation of the investigation.

Criterion C: 2 marks

There is some reflection on the methods used by the historian. The student analyses the problems in assessing bias and value in a variety of sources, albeit simplistically. There is some very basic discussion of the challenges facing historians, although this is very weak and could have been developed far more effectively. The student does make a connection between the reflection and the rest of the investigation in places.

Total: 13 marks

Alger Hiss/Rosenberg Socratic Seminar Make-up

Answer the following prompts using quotes and specifics evidence.

1. Compare and contrast the Alger Hiss and Rosenberg cases.

2. Was justice served in both of these cases? Why or why not?

3. Analyze how and why both perspective and time period context are vital to understadning both of these cases.


And Then They Came For Me EC

Answer the following prompts using specific and submit them to by Monday @ 11:59.

       How does the author’s use of primary source interviews impact your experience of the production?
       Reflect on the impact the performance had on your emotions or learning. How has this production challenged you? What questions does this production bring up for you as you head towards the WWII/Holocaust unit?

       Why do you think the author chose to contrast the Hitler Youth monologues with the survivor’s scenes. What was the author’s intent/purpose?