Arthurian Legend Film/TV EC

After viewing one of the following Arthurian Legend screen  adaptations answer the following (responses must be typed)

The Sword in the Stone (1963)
Excalibur (1981)
First Knight (1995)
The Mists of Avalon (2001 miniseries)
Merlin (1998 miniseries)
King Arthur (2004)
First three episodes of Merlin (BBC series 2008)

1. In a well developed paragraph review the film/series including specifics on what you enjoyed and what you did not like.

2. In two well developed paragraphs, explain using specific details how the adaptation compares to the version we read for class. What are some key similarities? What are some key differences? 

Submit your answers to (you do not need to turn in a hard copy) by Tuesday January 21st. 

The Great Gatsby Extra Credit

After viewing the new film version of The Great Gatsby, answer the following (responses must be typed)

1. In two well developed paragraphs review the film including specifics on what you enjoyed and what you did not like.

2. In a well developed paragraph, explain using specific details how the character of Gatsby fits the tragic hero archetype. Be sure to include his tragic flaw and the concept of catharsis. 

Submit your answers to (you do not need to turn in a hard copy) by 5/28 and bring in your ticket stub to Ms. Bede by that date as well. 

Comparative Analysis Essay

Classics Midterm Comparative Analysis Essay

A common essay task you will be asked to write in higher education will be comparative analysis papers. The intent of a comparative analysis essay is to examine two subjects (pieces of literature, writings styles, characters, etc.) and their similarities and differences in relation to one another. The purpose of these essays is not just to find the differences and similarities, but to analyze these aspects in order to find deeper meaning. Your focus may be about two similar things that have crucial differences (two tragic heroes with vastly different personality traits) or two similar things that have crucial differences, yet turn out to have surprising commonalities (two heroes written almost 3000 years apart that both follow the hero archetype).

For this paper, you will be developing a thesis driven comparative analysis on a topic of your choice. You can choose any two elements to compare as long as one of the elements is directly from literature we have read. You could compare two characters, two ideas, two authors, a mythological figure and a modern figure, etc. The possibilities are vast. The key is that you must be able to support your in depth analysis with literary quotes and specificity. In order to ensure that you are on the right track, you must have your comparative topic approved.

Paper Components:
Topic Approval~ Thursday, April 18th

Outline~ DUE Monday, April 22nd
                1-2 pages typed
                Working Thesis Included                 
                3 part outline (I, II, III)
                3 level outline (I, A, 1.)
                Must include literary quotes

Rough Draft~ DUE Thursday, April 25th
                3-5 Pages
                Typed, 1” margins, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times font, heading, header w/ page numbers
                In-text citations and Works Cited page. (Must follow MLA format)

Final Paper ~ DUE Monday, April 29th by 11:59 to 

The Iliad Socratic Seminar Entrance Questions

The Iliad Socratic Seminar Entrance Questions

This sheet must be completed FULLY in order to participate in the Socratic Seminar. You will receive participation and culminating points for the seminar, and process points for this sheet. In order to get a B or better on the seminar YOU MUST USE DIRECT QUOTES to support your points.

1. The Iliad focuses on the behavior of warriors in time of crisis and examines what each person owes to him- or herself and to the community. What does each of the following characters owe to himself and to others? a) Agamemnon     b) Achilles     c) Patroclus     d) Hector      e) Paris

2. Achilles is acknowledged to be the greatest Greek warrior. Yet Homer focuses on Achilles quarrel with Agamemnon and its effect upon the Greeks rather than on his heroic exploits. Why?

3. Achilles is the first tragic hero of literature. What does it mean to be a tragic hero? How does the The Iliad develop Achilles into a tragic hero? What is the difference between a tragic hero and a hero?

4. What kind of person is Hector? What tests of character confront him? To what extent does he pass them? What temptations does he resist, and which does he find irresistible? Why? How does his behavior affect his heroic image?

5. How do you react to the fact that Athena tricks Hector into fighting Achilles? How would you have written this part of the myth?

6. Does the personality of any of the major characters change in the course of The Iliad? Explain.

7.Compare/Contrast the following sets of characters.  a) Paris & Hector              b) Achilles & Paris              c)Hector & Achilles           

8. In The Iliad, why is a person’s reputation worth more than wealth and power? Where is this shown in the story? Is this still true today? Explain.

9. Elements of The Iliad are accurate depictions of relationships of Ancient Greek society. Do the relationships resemble modern day relationships?  Why or why not? Use specifics examples.

10. Other discussion questions for your peers????????

Creative Mythology Project

Creative Mythology Writing
50 Culminating Points

In groups of 4, you will be creating your own world of mythology which will take the form of a book. I should be able to read your mythology book and understand all of the key components of your mythical world.
Your mythical world must contain the following:

Cosmology: What is the origin of the universe, gods, and man? What does the universe look like?
Gods: What is the hierarchy of gods? Who are they? What do they look like? How do they act?
Humans: What role do humans play in the mythology? Are there heroes? Villains?
Creatures: You must create at least 2 original creatures of some kind including illustrations. Where did they come from? Why are they important?

Interactive Myths: You must write at least 2 full mythological stories.
Archetypes: 2 different archetypes (personality or plot) must be identifiable in your world.
Extras: You must add at least 2 EXTRA components to your mythological world.
Scoring Criteria
All Components Present (15)
Creativity of Mythology (25)            
Creativity & Appearance of Book (10)
TOTAL (50)

Olympians Exam Review

Exam has 4 sections- Matching (Gods), Multiple Choice, Identification (Image & Quote), and Short Answer

In order to do well on the exam you should review the readings that we did in class pertaining to each god. Be sure to review each god’s nature, the myths that define that nature, and how that nature ties to how humans worshipped or perceived them. Be sure to understand the concepts of polarity and duality, as well as subjugation of women. You need to understand archetypes and their importance. You should also understand the idea of etiological myths.

Athena Analysis/Discussion Questions

Athena Analysis/Discussion Questions

1. How does Athena’s birth story encompass/explain ALL elements of her timai?

2. The feud between Poseidon and Athena is also representative of their opposite natures. Explain how their natures are in natural opposition to one another.

3. The story of Arachne is an allegory of the shift away from blind blood vengeance to the rise of the justice system in Ancient Greece. What are the parallels between the story and the idea of due process of law?

4. How do the goddesses of Athena and Artemis represent polarity? Be sure to include their connection before delving into their opposing traits.