Classics Culminating Project

Classics Culminating Presentation
12.5% of Final Grade + 20 pts. Participation

Overview~ Instead of a final exam in this course, you will be completing an oral presentation with an accompanying visual aid. You will choose the topic of your final presentation, but the topic must be approved.  It must include information and ideas from two of the three units (Classical Mythology/Literature, Norse Mythology, Arthurian Legend) that we have studied in class, or must be a comparative analysis between one of our units and a modern religion. The topic can be thematic, comparative, or historical. If you have an idea that does not meet the above requirements, but is strongly connected to our class study, you may attempt to get it approved as well. Topics must be approved by Monday, May 21st. If you fail to get a topic approved, one will be given to you without your input.

Oral Presentation- You will give a 4-6 minute focused and professional presentation on your chosen topic including why you chose the topic and why the topic is relevant to the focus of the class. You must then defend a thesis argument on your topic with supporting details including specifics from the literature. You must use the visual aid effectively during the presentation. While your presentation should be professional it should also be engaging to your audience. This can be done through audience interaction, engaging visuals, humor, etc. It will be graded on academic content, audience engagement, and professionalism (voice clarity, eye content, fluency). 75 pts

Visual Aid-  The visual aid will be used during your presentation. It should display creativity and topical content. It should be large enough for the class to see while you are presenting. It will be graded on neatness, creativity, effort, and effectiveness as a presentation aid. 25 pts DUE THE DAY OF YOUR PRESENTATION

Audience Participation- You are expected to be courteous audience members. You will quietly listen as your classmates present. When appropriate, you may ask questions at the end of the presentation. If at any time you are talking or disrespectful in any other way, you will lose credit. 20 participation points                   

Thursday, May 31st                 Friday, June 1st        Monday, June 4th         Wed, June 6th           Fri, June 8th          
Geoffry Grembowski                  Andrew Ishimaru       Mason Gregory               Ellie Kaplita                  Alex Ma
Connor Gilchrist                            Chris Moellendorf      Ryan Galloway                 Jake Monroe                 Julie Ford
Sabi Avcu                                            Taylor Faires                 Marilyn Napier                Chris Drazic                  Michael Parducci
Matt Dompier                                  Mark Onnen                    Jon Devita                            Nicole Bofto                  Christian Caldwell
Alicia Pereira                                    Lizzie Bull                        Skylar Thuesmunn                                                      Priscilla Trujillo
                                                                   Alex Bicknell                  Joe Beattie                                                                          Megan Wiedeman
                                                                                                                   Michael Xiao                                                                      Hayley Morrison
                                                                                                                  Katie Baker                                                                         E.   Seelinger    

Thursday, May 31st                 Friday, June 1st                                Monday, June 4th                               Tuesday, June 5th  
Lindsey Lee                                       Malia Louie                                              Ian Melendez                                          Elliot Lawrence
Freddy Ledesma                            Conlan Kroes                                         Ashley Mobley                                      Jerred Kiss
Ryan Parks                                        Clay Huber                                              Barrett Porter                                      Chad Graham
Dom Randle                                      Dani Gonzalez                                        Brittany Siva                                          Ian Engelbeck
Jasper Slater                                      Austin Dodd                                           Stephanie Smith                                   Maddie Christ
                                                                   Tyler Burton                                         Alyssa Stromswold                           Gabby Struempler
                                                                   Lindsey Brown                                    Sadie Sullivan                                         Evan Botsch
                                                                    Cole Tollefson                                       Alex Beuchat-Magni                          Garrett Yee
                                                                     Jake Weaver                                           Allie Wyszynski                                     Sam Beaulieu